Mini-Workshop on DTU Transport

Tuesday 29 Jun 10

In connection with the UNITE project a mini-workshop under WP5 is hosted July 2nd 2010 from 9-12 PM in Buildin 115 room 007 entitled a practical and theroetical orientation of the Successive Principle. The workshop will be guest hosted by Steen Lichtenberg.


The agenda of the day are as follows:


1.  Short presentation of the main principles with emphasis on the recent development.

2.  A "semi-live" demonstration of the analysis process concenring a relevant case study.

3.  Discussion of the principel area of application and similar expericences.

4.  Concluding remarks and possible integration with the UNTE project.


Tilmelding til Kim Salling ( før den 1. juli kl. 12.00