Conference, Seminars, Special Sessions and Workshops

As part of the objective, publication and promotional strategy, the UNITE project seeks to participate in various conferences, seminars and workshops around the World. Major transport related international conferences such as the ETC (European Transport Conference) and the WCTR (World Conference on Transport Research) as well as national conferences such as the Annual traffic days at Aalborg University and Vejforum have been attended.

Conferences attended 2009:

Annual Traffic Days 2009, August, Aalborg, Denmark: Link

Modelling and Simulation 2009, September, Tenerife, Spain: Link


Conferences attended 2010:

Asian Simulation Technology Conference, March, Shanghai, China: Link

The Annual European Palisade Risk Conference, April, London, England: Link

The 24th AESOP Annual Conference, July, Helsinki, Finland:

The World Conference on Transport Research, August, Lisbon, Portugal: 

Annual Traffic Days 2010, August, Aalborg, Denmark (special session on UNITE): Link

The 7th International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, September, Williamsburg, Virgina, USA: Link

The 6th Cosmobilities Conference, October, Aalborg, Denmark: Link

The European Transport Conference (ETC) 2010, Glasgow, Scotland:


Conferences attended 2011:

The Annual European Palisade Risk Conference, March, Amsterdam, Holland: Link

Annual Traffic Days 2011, August, Aalborg, Denmark: Link

The 26th Mini-EURO Conference, September, Poznan, Poland:

The 14th Annual International Association of Critical Realism Conference, Oslo, Norway: Link

The 7th International Conference on Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models, New York, USA: Link